Unreleased “Sunflower” Denim Embroidered Jacket
The World Is Yours, LLC started as a mere pass time. I would sit at work or home bored and designs pieces of clothing that i wished was available. I would even go as far as to look into fabrics and different color ways; the only thing i didn’t have was a name to label my art. Thus ‘The World Is Yours’ was born. After months of procrastination a friend inspired me to stop putting off my talent and to start “do’ing” mainly because he seen how different and unique my designs and creativity were. Ever since that moment I’ve worked hard to put myself in a position to become a Clothing and Apparel designer. I dreamed of working major companies like Nike, Rip n’ Dip, TRASHER, etc.; However, after long research i realized that, that specific dream was beneath of all the the bigger things i had planned, i wanted something of my own. I realized i wanted to do more, not only for my hometown of Norfolk, VA, but across the country (and maybe even the world) as well. I want to inspire creativity throughout our youth and give them multiple spaces to grow their talents. I want to innovate them to not only find their calling, but to believe that they can in fact prosper as long as they focus and manifest properly. I hope to one day open several organizations focusing on youth creativity whether art, math, literature, or science; because, basically, it’s all some form of art in a way and does require thinking out of the box to find groundbreaking solutions.I also hope to build several creative recreational centers thought the Hampton roads where our creative youth can come and exercise their talent; Paint, Photography, and Studio (for singers, rappers, poets). For the educational part of my dream i would like to fund scholarship and include internship programs, as well as integrate the internship programs with running my business. Giving young designers, future assistants, accountants, managers, etc. a behinds the scene look on what’s its like running a big business that would also look good on their resumes for the future. I plan on doing this by staying content with my brand and connecting with my community so we can expand and open up more opportunities to each other as a whole.